Sunday, July 18, 2010

Etsy Sellers Listen Up!


While I have been off at Chew & Digest Books, following my blogging passions, I have learned something VERY important to etsy artisans.

The Book Blogging niche is a completely devoid of etsy and we need to change that! Think about it, just because we don’t blog about decorating, doesn’t mean that we don’t have homes, need to buy gifts or wear jewelry. We need and want your wares too.

Now, I have been doing a bit to change that, but my fondest desire is to do more. So far, I started with a semi-weekly series called Show Your Love of Books and in it, I featured items that were somehow book related. My readers seem to like it if I read Google Analytics right, but I have no way of knowing if it transfers into sales.

I am going to start opening the series up to things that aren’t book related and change the name to Show Your Love of Handmade. We will see how that goes.

If you would like to be featured, let me know. If you have a button or some other sort of advertising for your shop, let me know that too. I am in the middle of a big redesign and my goal is to have advertising space. What I want to know in return is if you get traffic and if it works for you once I have you on Chew & Digest Books. (I may charge in the future, but not at this point)

Help me, Help you and we can learn to succeed together!

You ready? You have any thoughts on this? Comment below or contact me at chewdigest (at) gmail (dot) com



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